Wednesday, July 22, 2009

bad bad blogger

I am a bad blogger! However, I do have 2 small children and a full-time job, so give me a freaking break people!
So many exciting and interesting things have happened in the world that I have not blogged about. Michael Jackson kicked it the same day Farrah Fawcett did. North Korea continues to test nuclear weapons and their leader is probably demented. Sarah Palin "resigned" her governorship and made no sense when she had her press conference announcing this. Obama and co are trying to get a reasonable and affordable health care system put together. Al Franken was FINALLY sworn in as Senator from Minnesota (yay for MN!). Jon and Kate filed for divorce (I saw that one coming, didn't you?) yet are still making their tv show, stupid people. The economy is still in the toilet, our house market value went down for the first time in several years (boo!). I have divorced myself from my alma mater for the time being. Jonah is smiling up a storm, laughing and is a chunky monkey. Jude is hilarious and clever in every way. I am back at work, bringing home some bacon and frying it up in the pan.