Thursday, January 29, 2009

the interesting start to my day

I was sitting in the drive thru at Starbucks before work, behind a mercedes sedan. In said sedan was a man and his very lively yellow lab. As he was pulling up to the window, his dog leapt out the car window. Now, at this point I am wondering if he even noticed, as he stayed in his car and all, but realized when he tried to pull away before picking up his coffee, that he did notice and was trying to get out of the way to go and get the dog. Meanwhile, I get the dogs attention from my car, trying to keep him out of the way of vehicles. Dog was very friendly, so friendly that he leapt through my open car window and into my car. Owner was horrified. He ran over and bought my drink and retrieved dog. It was a great start to a day. Hey I like dogs, and this one was nice. Fun was had by all.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

possible future SAHM?

SAHM: Stay at home mom. Well, it may be a reality sooner than later, although possibly only temporarily. Due to budget cuts (as previously blogged) I may not have a job to return to after maternity leave. I hope I do, I am even willing to take a cut in pay to keep the benefits and ability to pay our bills and save money for future. Dear hubby and I have talked about all the different scenarios, now it is just a waiting game. We are supposed to know absolutely by June, when the next biennial budget begins. May know sooner, depending on what is approved by the state legislature. If I have no work, I told dear hubby he will need to get a summer job, which he was not too happy about. I would stay home... with 2 kids. Actually, while it would be adjustment, they would be my children and probably not nearly as challenging as some of the cases I have had. But, it would be a big change and difficult financially. I know there are many, many more people in truely dire straits due to the crappy economy, so I know that we can put it in perspective and cut out luxuries and a bunch of other unnecessary stuff. Now it is just the waiting game...

my impact on the economy

So, Monday I made a vow to stop going to Starbucks to save money, as there is a real possibility I may not have a job in a few months. Today... Starbucks announces another set of layoffs and store closures. Coincidence? You be the judge.....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A great day

No, I did not win the lottery. I also did not call in sick, as I was tempted to do, so I could watch the inaguration. I did come home at lunch and watch it, I love my DVR. I was not disappointed. President Obama gave a truly amazing address; inspiring, intelligent, direct, and full of hope. I am excited that he will be the first president my son will remember.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Obama mama!

To say I am really excited about tomorrow's historic inaguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States of America would be an understatement. I wish I could call is sick to stay home and watch it happen, but alas that would be frowned upon and I would be being untruthful and that would make me feel bad and would take all the joy out of it.
I have been an Obama supporter since he spoke at the 04 Democratic convention. I have read "Dreams of My Father," which I recommend. I found myself relating to his challenged relationship with his father, as I have one with my own. His political philosophy, and the experience he has actually working with real people to bring about change is a breath of fresh air. I am excited for the direction our country has the chance to move toward. I have been increasingly cynical and frustrated with American life over the past 8 years. I think we have a chance to rebuild relationships with others in the world, and perhaps also remember that we are all connected as human beings, regardless of national origin. Oh, and end this damned war and bring home our troops and reunite them with their families and not forget the sacrifices many made over the past 6 years.
My pipe dreams would include universal healthcare, funding equity in education, progressive social programs focused on prevention and adequate funding to keep programs that are working going. A culture shift that truly does support families, not just giving lip service to "family values." Marriage equality for all. A serious reduction in child abuse and neglect. Policies that allow mothers and father have more time off to spend with their children, and not have it negatively impact their careers. The beginning of the healing of the earth. A year ago I would have been called an idealist to want these things, but I am hopeful that maybe I will be considered a realist in the not too distant future.

almost 28 weeks

Tomorrow I will be 28 weeks preggo; 4 weeks ahead of the time Jude decided to make his shocking, early appearance. Everything appears to be right on track so far, but it did last time too. I am hoping to not become increasingly anxious as we approach that 32 week mark a month from now, but I probably will be some. Dr. K is being vigilant, which helps me feel like I need to be less so myself; you know control freak tendencies rear up at times like these. I look as pregnant now as I did when I delivered Jude, which means I will be gigantic 11 weeks from now when this baby is (hopefully) delivered. Heck, at least I look pregnant, not just fat.
Jude is very excited to be a big brother, and frequently tells me that he also has a baby "in my tummy." I will be living in a house of boys come April; there is probably something very ironic about that fact. I am up for the challenge, particularly once I am not knocked up anymore. I am not one of those women who love being pregnant, I will be glad to be done with pregnancy and c-sections after 2, thank you very much.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

life in america

Like many Americans, I am thrilled and excited about the election of Barack Obama. I am a little miffed that I will be in the middle of a meeting at work during the inaguration, but I have a DVR and will watch and weep over his speech during my lunch hour.
We keep hearing we are in in the middle of very difficult times, and we are. I learned yesterday that state budget cuts may have a very negative impact on programs at work, and have already begun to impact people through out the state. I am, of course, not wanting to lose my job any more than anyone else, but I am more concerned over the impact these budget cuts will have on the most vulnerable in our state. We are looking at cuts in Medicaid programs, people who are struggling with addiction may not have much help available at to them at all, and psychiatric facilities are having to cut beds and move people out. Locally, many people just hired to work at the state penitentiary have been fired, due to deep cuts in the DOC budget. The local DMV office will be closing this summer. Its sucks for a lot of people right now....
While I understand the need to not go into dramatic amounts of debt; dear hubby and I have been talking about how maybe we just need to realize that we need to go into some debt as a state to keep vital programs going. Maybe we need to be willing to suck it in some more in other ways. Reduction and, in some cases, removal of our social safety net should not be the main way we try to balance our budget.
I wish I had an easy solution. I don't. And I don't envy the people who are having to make these difficult decisions. Lets hope we can weather the storm and begin to recover soon.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Things I just do not understand...

1. How the tv really works
2. Why people still think Sarah Palin is wonderful.
3. Why high fructose corn syrup is in EVERYTHING
4. Why any decent human being thinks that 800 Palestinian to 13 Israeli casualties is a sign of "God's" blessing on Israel, and therefore, okay.
5. Why George W. Bush still thinks that what he says is relevant or believable.
6. Why we have to work on Inaguration Day, particularly this year.
7. Just where is the money that used to be in the economy and now is MIA?
8. Why some women think pregnancy is glorious and wonderful.... ugh.
9. Why people think that all the snow we have had so far this winter is a sign that global warming is a myth. I think 3 feet in 10 days is an example of extreme weather.
10. Why we don't support universal health care.
11. Why what Jesus would really do doesn't seem to be relevant to most people who purport to believe and follow his teachings.
12. Why many men are obsessed with football... and boobs.