Saturday, April 11, 2009

funny Jude quote

From a conversation earlier this week while waiting in the car:

Jude "I told Seda you are my mommy."
Me "Yes, I am your mommy. Seda has a mommy, who is her mommy?"
Jude "Erin."
Me "I am, however, also Jonah's mommy."
Jude "No, you not Jonah's mommy."
Me "Well, who is Jonah's mommy then?"
Jude "Daddy."

Mommy wars and unsolicted advice

I am currently on maternity leave, but am seriously contemplating sending my older child to daycare 2 to 3 days a week once my spouse returns to work in a few weeks; mostly for the sake of my own sanity and so I can get enough rest. My spouse is supportive of this, and I know of several other people who see no issue with it either, however some seem to think I am being silly. Well, try living in my house for awhile, you know? I had a freaking c-section 3 weeks ago, a newborn, and a smart and busy toddler; not to forget the 2 dogs and 2 cats that also reside here. While I feel pretty good following the c-section, I also have been reminded by my doctor that it was "major surgery" and I should really take it slowly and easily during my maternity leave; which is hard to do when one has an older child. Anyway, dear hubby's advice is to ignore the naysayers, and while I agree, this is easier said than done.
This brings me to the topic heading "Mommy Wars." Why the hell are women so hard on each other? I know I am guilty of this at times too, but I know I do not sit and tell women who choose to stay home what a foolish financial choice they are making; or say to them "what if something happened to your spouse/partner, how would your family survive financially?" I think that the choice that best suits the family and parent is the best choice. For me, I enjoy being a parent who works. Is it easy? No. Do I feel guilty from time to time? Sure. Am I glad I bring home close to half of the household income, enabling us to save for things that are important to our family, such as college educations? Yes. Am I glad I have the outlet work provides me creatively and intellectually? Yes. But, I also know I am lucky, I have a spouse who is very hands on as a parent. I have met many women, including one the other day, who seem to think it is odd that I would leave my children home with my husband, for any reason. Are these women married to idiots or serial killers or something?
On to unsolicted advice. I am a pretty damn assertive person. I had to bite my tongue often during my last pregnancy as to not say stuff that would get me fired, but generally I am able to communicate directly and appropriately with others. I am so damn sick of unsolicited advice. Particularly from people I think are idiots. Or at the very least delusional. That is all I am saying about that for now, must go find an ice cube to soothe the tongue I keep needing to bite.

Friday, April 10, 2009

recent dr visit

Learned I have lost 25 lbs as of Monday! WTF! Can I lose 25 more, just breastfeeding?

double stroller world

Yep, we got one. It is the semi of stollers, but it handles really nice. Jude thinks it is cool. Jonah doesn't really have an opinion yet.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

d&*( modem!

Our modem of almost 2 years kicked the bucket last Thursday about 3 in the AM. I just got the new one today and am finally back online. I was having severe withdrawals, but survived. Dear hubby's ipod also seems to be terminal, don't know if the 2 are related, it gave him a sad frowny face and said to contact ipod support. Boo!
Having a 3 year old is hard, especially when recovering from surgery and caring for a newborn. Most of the time he is an absolute delight, but when he throws a fit: watch. out. world. He also made the cover of the Waitsburg Times, as he caught the eye of their photographer last weekend while at the Junior Show with his Nana Cracker. Will have to go and purchase multiple copies to distribute to random relatives. Maybe I can find a way to incorporate into next years Xmas letter, which will probably never get sent, as we are terrible at doing that kind of thing.