Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hillary... its time to stop to madness

Open message to Hillary Clinton: Please stop this madness. At this point it appears that you are still in the campaign to keep yourself in the running for 2012. Guess what, we don't want to wait until 2012. We want to begin getting the US back on track ASAP and Obama is the person to do it. Please, for the love of Pete, step back before it will be a complete circus when you finally do concede that he is the candidate the people are choosing. At this point, even if by some miracle you did get the nomination, my vote would be for Nader. If you did "win" the nomination, most of us would be hard pressed to believe that there was anything ethical about how you did so. It's not about race, gender or "elitist Ivy league educated lawyers," it is about who has the vision to lead this country from the deep hole Bush has led us to. So please Hillary, knock off the self-serving attempts you are making to "win" the nomination, it is at this point a complete farce.

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