Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I am cranky. Now, dear hubby would tell you this is not all that unusual, as I tend to be a wee bit on the moody side. However, right now, I am noticeable cranky. Nothing an particular to contribute to it; work is going along like normal, I slept pretty well, watch Masterpiece Theater last night and enjoyed it immensely, Jude is happy. Just cranky.

I am a little preoccupied. So glad Obama is doing well and just with Hillary would back down before she is a total joke. Am glad it looks like it is a near impossibility she would get the nomination, as I would have done something I never would have considered before and voted to Nader. Out Of Protest. Go Obama go. I am also completely horrified by the destruction and tragedy that has occured in Myanmar. 100,000+ people likely dead. And they say global warming is not real? Try telling that to Katrina survivors and those left behind in Myanmar. I am also completely grossed out by the super creepy old man in Germany who kept his daughter as a sex slave in his basement for over 20 year and fathered 7 children via rape, incest. Am really not sure what to think about his wife though. How would you not know that there was a weird dungeon in your house for over 20 years? Ugh...

Balloons are headed our way this weekend, with the annual Balloon Stampede. Jude will be old enough to notice them, and they often fly right over our house witht he morning launch. Should be a lot of fun. Everything is so exciting again when you experience it with your child.

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