Wednesday, April 30, 2008

damn you Starbucks, I can't quit you... Or can I?

I am one of the anti-Wal-Mart chicks. In fact, so is dear hubby as they are unabashadly (sp) anti-union and DH is a union member teacher. Power to the people! Anyway, we don't shop there namely due to poor business practices and it is all the freakin way over in College Place, not to mention I have yet to go there when someone isn't screaming at the top of their lungs to their kid, spouse, some random person. I am not trying to be a snob, I just like to shop in a calmer environ. I work a pretty busy job with chaotic (at times) people and need a more zen shopping experience. Anyway, one co-worker helpfully pointed out that my frequent treks to Starbucks is also "feeding the corporate machine." Yeah, it is. Bad Diane. Especially after being shamed into realizing I spend hard earned money on caffeine, sugar, and fat while people in Haiti are eating cakes MADE OUT OF DIRT! Yeah, it is true, here is link to a news story about it:
We should be outraged by this. We should be outraged by a lot of things. We should also be ashamed by this. Particularly our own hypocrisy. We live in one of the richest countries in the world (present economic woes haven't changed this fact entirely), we eat fake food all the time, we give little thought to how we live our life impact the rest of the world, and, yes, even our neighbor. Since becoming a parent (typical, eh?) I have become more and more concerned over the state of "things." Dear hubby and I are working incrementally on living more green. We want to have a farm that will hopefully be able to be pretty much fully sustainable eventually, if not at least in trade with people near by for what we are unable to produce. I refuse to entertain the thought of owning a vehicle that would is bigger than some homes, and suck of more resources. Now, I am a hypocrite about this too. We use disposable diapers. We have a heat pump (I really am a wimp about heat) for airconditioning. We use the dishwasher a lot (although with phosphate free detergent). But we are always looking at how we can be more responsible with what we have, and try and leave our little world a better place for Jude and the next generation. Hopefully they will be wiser than we have been.

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