Tuesday, April 15, 2008

back to the blogging world

It has been awhile. Jude, who had made an early arrival into the world, is almost 2. We had a birthday party for all his little friends at the local children's museum, which was fun. He talks... a lot; most of which I can understand even. He also can throw an amazing temper tantrum, often over the most mundane things... ah life with a toddler.
I am one of those mommies; you know, a mommy who works outside the home. While I feel some guilt over this fact, I also enjoy the work I do and am happy I contribute almost half our family income at this time. I am fortunate to be married to an educator who can be off for the summers and is a dedicated father. It isn't perfect, but I love my life. I am proud to be a working parent.

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