Monday, January 19, 2009

Obama mama!

To say I am really excited about tomorrow's historic inaguration of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States of America would be an understatement. I wish I could call is sick to stay home and watch it happen, but alas that would be frowned upon and I would be being untruthful and that would make me feel bad and would take all the joy out of it.
I have been an Obama supporter since he spoke at the 04 Democratic convention. I have read "Dreams of My Father," which I recommend. I found myself relating to his challenged relationship with his father, as I have one with my own. His political philosophy, and the experience he has actually working with real people to bring about change is a breath of fresh air. I am excited for the direction our country has the chance to move toward. I have been increasingly cynical and frustrated with American life over the past 8 years. I think we have a chance to rebuild relationships with others in the world, and perhaps also remember that we are all connected as human beings, regardless of national origin. Oh, and end this damned war and bring home our troops and reunite them with their families and not forget the sacrifices many made over the past 6 years.
My pipe dreams would include universal healthcare, funding equity in education, progressive social programs focused on prevention and adequate funding to keep programs that are working going. A culture shift that truly does support families, not just giving lip service to "family values." Marriage equality for all. A serious reduction in child abuse and neglect. Policies that allow mothers and father have more time off to spend with their children, and not have it negatively impact their careers. The beginning of the healing of the earth. A year ago I would have been called an idealist to want these things, but I am hopeful that maybe I will be considered a realist in the not too distant future.

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