Tuesday, February 3, 2009

week 30

I am officially 30 weeks preggo. Only 2 weeks to go before I get to the point that I delivered Jude. I am wondering if I will panic around that time, or at least become very hypochondriacal (yes, i think i just made that up.) Everything is seemingly normal so far, I have an appointment this week with Dr. K, so I will know for sure if my assessment in accurate or not. I am feeling fat, although not really gaining excessive amounts of weight. I am tired. I am bitchy. I am having difficulty sleeping. I am also dreaming a lot about a fat, content, baby boy. One that doesn't freak out his parents by arriving early and spending a month in the hospital. One that doesn't have a hydrocephelus scare at 6 months. One that arrives when he is supposed to. However, if he can have a charming personality like his brother, a sweet disposition (most of the time), an engaging smile, a twinkle in his eye like his bro and daddy; we will also be very happy. I am still looking forward to maternity leave; like I am going to be able to rest or something.... I must have pregnancy induced delusional thoughts...

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