Tuesday, February 17, 2009

week 32

I am officially 32 weeks pregnant today. Glad to still be pregnant, even though I am tired, and getting bigger by the day. Shooting for April 6th, which is the expected delivery date, but anything after week 37 will have me feeling much less stressed than last time. I gained another 3 lbs which is apparently fine, my blood pressure was "fine," and I measured "big" on first measurement, but apparently not enough to be alarming when Dr. K measure again. Heart rate in the 140's. Jude asked me this morning "what is Jonah doing?" I told him "growing." Anything from here on out is something I have yet to experience in pregnancy; increased discomfort, increased fatigue, increased hugemongousness. The doc told me today to "enjoy these next 2 months" and when I looked at him like he was crazy, he reminded me that this was my last pregnancy, as I was "having a tubal ligation." Hell, yeah I am having tubal. I will be happy and satisfied with 2 healthy kids. Pregnancy is not the super terrific happy time some women purport it to be. Oh, and the hospital I am delivering at had to "approve" my tubal ligation, which apparently went through with no problems. I found thing crazy and bizarre, even when Dr. K reminded me that the hospital was a Catholic sponsored institution. I still had a hard time wrapping my brain around it. This is the 21st century, right? Thanks goodness, I was deemed worthy of having an elective surgery; one that will keep me from popping out babies until my uterus fell out, or having to take a pill everyday until menopause. I'm just saying....

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