Monday, February 23, 2009

week 33

Still knocked up, and despite being tired, achy and feeling really fat, I am happy to still be so. Lance was in a wedding over the weekend in Richland, so I went and shopped during all the pre-wedding pics and stuff. Had fun, although it was exhausting, because I never really got to do pre-baby shopping with Jude. Fortunately, we don't need a lot, but I picked up a few things I wanted for this time around.
I can no longer reliably trim my own toenails, but heck that means I can go get a pedicure! I also am in a suprisingly good mood, although dear hubby would likely tell you I can be a royal jerk at times, but I am not all maudlin and weepy this time around. Jude is very excited to have a "baby brother Jonah" but doesn't think that it is okay to share Mommy with him; he has been telling me "you are my mommy" and when I tell him "yes, and I will be Jonah's mommy too" he replies "no, my mommy!" Sigh... he will eventually adjust and I think he will be a great big brother, he likes babies and is very gentle with those he has been around. I am anticipating some impressive meltdowns, but I imagine that is par for the course.
I should get a pic of my bump this time, but wish I had the ability to photoshop my moonface, large rear and everything else that has expanded. I know, all part of the process.

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