Saturday, February 28, 2009

knocked up with a cold...

I am coming up on 34 weeks and am gladly still preggo. I am tired and uncomfortable, but also giddy when I get through another week! It is weird to think that in little over a month I will have 2 kids. Lance looked at me this morning and said something to that same effect with a mixture of astonishment, excitement, and terror on his face.
Jude had another cold this week, his second in a month. He did not get croupy this time, but spent all, and I mean all, Wednesday night coughing throughout the night. He then woke at 4:30 crying. Dear hubby got up with him, and then came in a short while later and said "I think I should call a sub." Goddess bless him. He stayed home with a cranky toddler all day, and said cranky toddler's cough was much improved by that afternoon. Then I got it. It's really not that bad a cold, I have had worse. But a pregnancy complicates what one can take to alleviate the symptoms. Basically, sleep, fluids, and Tylenol. I miss my Alka Seltzer cold, the orange fizzy kind. Oh well. I am looking forward to breathing through my nose again and not drooling when I sleep. Ugh....

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