Saturday, March 7, 2009

34 weeks, 4 days

We have an insane amount of baby clothes. I went through them today, sorting out and putting away all the newborn and 0-3 mth stuff. 2 drawers of onsies. Hopefully Jonah really will be a boy, and the ultrasound pic was not tricking us, cause we are set with clothing. Lance reminded me that "we had to change Jude's clothes at least 2 times a day" and he wasn't even a puker. He was a messy pooper, but I think we were just bad diaper changers. Oh, and infant boys love to pee when their diaper is off, so we had to change a lot of clothes for that reason alone.
I had a prenatal appointment this week with my "OB-Gynie," to quote a lady from the Discovery Health show, "Deliver Me." Sounded like a Star Wars name for an OB GYN. Anyway, all is going well. Weight good, blood pressure good, heart rate good. I go again in 2 weeks, and then weekly until d-day. I am glad to still be preggo. I a couple weeks, if the baby decided to come, the only people that would really freak out would be work, as they seem to be in denial (no I know they are because they tell me often) that I will be leaving. Maybe that is why I survived a round of layoffs? Hmmmm.... Anyway, while I am achy, tired, and have swollen feet, I am glad to still be gestating. I also had my pre-admit appointment in the Women's Center at the hospital, something I did not get to do last time, and it went well. I got the shpiel on what will happen on 4/6/09 in regard to schedule, etc. We are getting really excited. I am not looking forward to having major abdominal surgery, but I am looking forward to meeting Jonah. Jude is pretty excited as well, even though it means I am not just his mommy.
Speaking of curious Jude, we went garden shopping today; hitting Home Depot and then Northwest Farm Supply. We were really cool parents today. First, "tractors" at the Depot, well really riding lawn mowers. Lance and Jude had a good time on those. Then, baby chickens at Farm Supply. Jude was enthralled. We are getting some chickens for the first time this year. Figure we could use the eggs and , eventually, the meat. They will be arriving at our urban farm later this spring. We can have up to 3 in the city, as long as none are a rooster. Fine with me. I hope that they survive to lay us some free range eggs, and maybe end up being roasted in the fall and winter with the veggies we grow. Right now we plan to have lettuces, tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers, sugar snap peas, cucumbers, pole beans, corn, watermelon, pumpkins, spaghetti squash, broccoli, brussell sprouts, cauliflower, carrots, sweet onions, garlic, and whatever else we decide to grow. All organic, of course. We also have strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries, with plans to plan more of each. Jude will be getting to start a pumpkin, watermelon, and sunflower plant all his own. He also has a new junior wheel barrow, which I need to get a picture him with and post it. I read that if kids help grow the veggies, they are more likely to eat them. Plus, we get to practice what we hope to be doing on a larger scale in a few years.

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