Wednesday, March 18, 2009

36 weeks, 2 days at 3:30AM

I could not sleep last night. Not such a novelty cause I have been having good and bad nights for sleeping for weeks; what with the waking to pee every hour or so, etc. This AM I got up and decided, darn it if I can't sleep, I can catch up on shows waiting on our DVR. Well, the bigger event was the passing of the old mucous plug. A glob of gelatinous goo. I googled it to make sure it was what I thought it was; it was indeed. Almost kept it to show Dr. K, but decided it was probably not necessary. I did not panic, I actually felt pretty calm. I told Lance when he woke up and told him I would call the Dr. after the office opened, as I has not had any contractions or broken water. I have an appointment tomorrow anyway, and unless something big happens over night, he can check to see if I am beginning to dilate then. Since losing the MP is a sign of impending labor, either fairly quickly or a couple weeks from now, I have begun packing my hospital bag, which I was going to do anyway this weekend. I may end up having Jonah a little earlier than planned, but maybe not.

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