Friday, March 20, 2009

week 36, 3 days (well, yesterday)

Had a check up today. Dr. K had a line of laboring mom's at the hospital, but still managed to handle my minor freak out. I am effacing, but not dilating yet. Good news. Probably only lost "part" of the mucous plug. Okay. Went to check heart beat and could only find mine. So he went to get the ultrasound, to see where to best check for heartbeat on my ginormous abdomen and I burst into tears. Just a little freaked. Anyway, ultrasound showed Jonah is head down, heart was beating very nicely and was doing just fine. I got to see his little face, and he seems to have the same nice jawline Jude and Lance have, which is cool. He did ask if I wanted a non-stress test, and I said "okay." I think it was to reassure me that everything was going well, which was nice. Nurse then told me that I was pretty easy to work with, "you would not believe some of the calls we get." I can only imagine. I tend not to panic until I know the facts, but I am sleep-deprived, hormonal, and had a scary first pregnancy; so it was understandable that I got upset. Fortunately, everything was fine. The non-stress test showed that his heart rate and activity was 'normal." Phew. Oh, and I gained 4 lbs. Boo. But I also had sausage fingers, so increasing water and watching salt intake, ie reading labels.
And as of today, only 2 more weeks of work. Hooray! Cause there are days I could fall asleep at my desk, not because I am bored, I am just that tired.

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