Monday, March 30, 2009

the amazing lactating woman

I think I pumped over 30 ounces of breast milk today. WTF. I am a cow. I could feed the octuplets. Well maybe not 8 babies. Its all good, Jonah has gained 4 ounces since Friday, should be at birth weight by this coming Friday. He is doing really well. Did not spend the day weeping, beyond the time I was beginning to watch a birth story on TLC, which was about a lady with a heart condition that was having twins, 1 of which died prior to delivery. I decided I best not watch that episode. Way. Too. Sad.
Lance and I went out to lunch, I ate like a trucker. Applebee's Chicken Fried Chicken. Yum.... Lance tasted it and wished he had ordered the same. Then went to store and bought an obscene amount of food, but we are sticking close to home these days and need stuff to eat. Lactation brain led me to buy Mickey Mouse shaped pasta, which Jude better eat darnit. He likes noodles, fortunately.
Went and bought craft supplies for Jude, which should be fun. I found adorable glittery whales and other sea life for Jonah's room. Yeah, Jonah and the whale. Original, I know. Heck, I also named my kids with same first initial, which I planned to not do, but ended up doing anyway. No one is perfect.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

week 1

I hate the post pregnancy hormones. Well, the kind that lead to weepiness. Hopefully this will last a only a few more days, at least that is what Google said when I googled "postpartum hormones."
Jonah is doing great, he is eating a lot, albeit in smaller portions and more frequently than I would like whilst trying to sleep at night. But he sleeps well and is pretty mellow most of the time. Jude is still adjusting, but is doing very well and is excited to be a big brother.
I am losing weight at a nice clip. My stomach is significantly flatter than I thought it would be at this point, although it is still pretty jelly like. Breastfeeding is a good way to melt off the weight gained in pregnancy. I could eat like a trucker most of the time, but am trying not to give into the temptation of eating cookies everyday or cookie dough like I did after Jude was born. Helps that I cannot drive yet, I cannot go to the store and buy crap as easily. I do eat what ever I can, when I can which makes for interesting meal choices at times.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A rather busy week.

A lot has happened since my last post. Sunday morning, around 9:30, as I was getting off the couch to head out to do the grocery shopping, my water broke. This time was much less panic, and more "okay, Jonah is coming today." So, I was able to pack stuff and make calls, we had to wait for Lance's mom to come and get Jude to take to her house anyway. We got to the hospital around 10:30 and by 11:45 I was in the operating room and Jonah was born at 12:15 pm. He came out screaming and looked big. My doctor was not on call, and missed the delivery by "a couple hours" but I had the other doc in their practice that everyone loves and it went really well. Jonah's APGAR scores were 8 and 9 right off the bat, which was awesome! He spent a couple days in their special care nursery, but never had apnea or bradychardia, just some slightly lowered oxygen levels at times. He is little, but doing great. Such a different experience than last time. Way less anxiety, although this may be in part due to having some experience as parents this time around. Now we are working on getting him to breast feed, which will take some time. He is little and poops out pretty quickly.

Friday, March 20, 2009

week 36, 3 days (well, yesterday)

Had a check up today. Dr. K had a line of laboring mom's at the hospital, but still managed to handle my minor freak out. I am effacing, but not dilating yet. Good news. Probably only lost "part" of the mucous plug. Okay. Went to check heart beat and could only find mine. So he went to get the ultrasound, to see where to best check for heartbeat on my ginormous abdomen and I burst into tears. Just a little freaked. Anyway, ultrasound showed Jonah is head down, heart was beating very nicely and was doing just fine. I got to see his little face, and he seems to have the same nice jawline Jude and Lance have, which is cool. He did ask if I wanted a non-stress test, and I said "okay." I think it was to reassure me that everything was going well, which was nice. Nurse then told me that I was pretty easy to work with, "you would not believe some of the calls we get." I can only imagine. I tend not to panic until I know the facts, but I am sleep-deprived, hormonal, and had a scary first pregnancy; so it was understandable that I got upset. Fortunately, everything was fine. The non-stress test showed that his heart rate and activity was 'normal." Phew. Oh, and I gained 4 lbs. Boo. But I also had sausage fingers, so increasing water and watching salt intake, ie reading labels.
And as of today, only 2 more weeks of work. Hooray! Cause there are days I could fall asleep at my desk, not because I am bored, I am just that tired.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

36 weeks, 2 days at 3:30AM

I could not sleep last night. Not such a novelty cause I have been having good and bad nights for sleeping for weeks; what with the waking to pee every hour or so, etc. This AM I got up and decided, darn it if I can't sleep, I can catch up on shows waiting on our DVR. Well, the bigger event was the passing of the old mucous plug. A glob of gelatinous goo. I googled it to make sure it was what I thought it was; it was indeed. Almost kept it to show Dr. K, but decided it was probably not necessary. I did not panic, I actually felt pretty calm. I told Lance when he woke up and told him I would call the Dr. after the office opened, as I has not had any contractions or broken water. I have an appointment tomorrow anyway, and unless something big happens over night, he can check to see if I am beginning to dilate then. Since losing the MP is a sign of impending labor, either fairly quickly or a couple weeks from now, I have begun packing my hospital bag, which I was going to do anyway this weekend. I may end up having Jonah a little earlier than planned, but maybe not.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

36 weeks

If learned today, from the internet of course, that Jonah could be born later this week and have little to no complications. Given how uncomfortable I feel, I am tempted to ask him to show up sooner than later.

Monday, March 16, 2009

almost 36 weeks

I now understanding why women who get to this point in their pregnancies just want to be done. I am freaking uncomfortable, have constant heartburn, fart a lot, feel like a bowling ball is sitting in my pelvis and have to pee all the time. I also had no sleep last night, which was extremely frustrating. If I had seen my doctor over the weekend, I would have begged him to deliver this kid. Well, maybe not so much begged as joked about it. But, I am also really close to the end and am happy that this pregnancy is much less dramatic. I can deal a little longer.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

utter meltdown

So, I had a complete meltdown today. Not entirely sure exactly what was the trigger. one minute dear hubby was talking about Jude being "cowboy" or something like that, the next I am yelling at him to take me back home "right now" and to "just be quiet and leave me alone" while blubbering like a spoiled child. I am completely blaming preggo hormones. That has to be it. I am normally not such a total bitch. So, he took Jude and went to visit his mom for a few hours, i slept. Mood did improve over course of the day, and I feel almost like myself at this point in time. Also watched Hamlet 2, which was freaking hilarious. Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day.

Friday, March 13, 2009

less than 3 weeks!

And I will be done working for a few months. I am looking forward to it, mostly because I am tired. Super duper tired. As such, client are driving me nuts. If I had enough energy yesterday, I would have told one of them to shut up, well a parent of a client. But, fortunately I did not. I went home and took a nap. Now, if I could just sleep all weekend.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Here is a pic of what our chickens should look like. Ugly as sin, I know, but they are supposed to be hardy and good layers. We will have 2 or 3, am trying to think of some names. Fried, Roasted, and Grilled?

week 35

I am getting huge. Well, since I have never been this preggo before, I have no idea how huge I would have been with Jude, but am shocked how big I am seeming to get each day. I have heartburn again too, no matter what I eat and am increasingly flatulant (sp?). Oh well. It is not much longer. What is especially strange in the shin splints I have off and on through out the day. I was always told I would have them really badly because I run on my toes, and I am certainly not doing any running these day, and I never did while running, but do when I am knocked up. Strange. I am not even walking on my toes at this point. I also noticed I can get out of my car with relative grace from the driver's side, but can barely hoist myself out of the car when on the passenger side. Equally strange.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

34 weeks, 4 days

We have an insane amount of baby clothes. I went through them today, sorting out and putting away all the newborn and 0-3 mth stuff. 2 drawers of onsies. Hopefully Jonah really will be a boy, and the ultrasound pic was not tricking us, cause we are set with clothing. Lance reminded me that "we had to change Jude's clothes at least 2 times a day" and he wasn't even a puker. He was a messy pooper, but I think we were just bad diaper changers. Oh, and infant boys love to pee when their diaper is off, so we had to change a lot of clothes for that reason alone.
I had a prenatal appointment this week with my "OB-Gynie," to quote a lady from the Discovery Health show, "Deliver Me." Sounded like a Star Wars name for an OB GYN. Anyway, all is going well. Weight good, blood pressure good, heart rate good. I go again in 2 weeks, and then weekly until d-day. I am glad to still be preggo. I a couple weeks, if the baby decided to come, the only people that would really freak out would be work, as they seem to be in denial (no I know they are because they tell me often) that I will be leaving. Maybe that is why I survived a round of layoffs? Hmmmm.... Anyway, while I am achy, tired, and have swollen feet, I am glad to still be gestating. I also had my pre-admit appointment in the Women's Center at the hospital, something I did not get to do last time, and it went well. I got the shpiel on what will happen on 4/6/09 in regard to schedule, etc. We are getting really excited. I am not looking forward to having major abdominal surgery, but I am looking forward to meeting Jonah. Jude is pretty excited as well, even though it means I am not just his mommy.
Speaking of curious Jude, we went garden shopping today; hitting Home Depot and then Northwest Farm Supply. We were really cool parents today. First, "tractors" at the Depot, well really riding lawn mowers. Lance and Jude had a good time on those. Then, baby chickens at Farm Supply. Jude was enthralled. We are getting some chickens for the first time this year. Figure we could use the eggs and , eventually, the meat. They will be arriving at our urban farm later this spring. We can have up to 3 in the city, as long as none are a rooster. Fine with me. I hope that they survive to lay us some free range eggs, and maybe end up being roasted in the fall and winter with the veggies we grow. Right now we plan to have lettuces, tomatoes, tomatillos, peppers, sugar snap peas, cucumbers, pole beans, corn, watermelon, pumpkins, spaghetti squash, broccoli, brussell sprouts, cauliflower, carrots, sweet onions, garlic, and whatever else we decide to grow. All organic, of course. We also have strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries, with plans to plan more of each. Jude will be getting to start a pumpkin, watermelon, and sunflower plant all his own. He also has a new junior wheel barrow, which I need to get a picture him with and post it. I read that if kids help grow the veggies, they are more likely to eat them. Plus, we get to practice what we hope to be doing on a larger scale in a few years.